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Facility Newsletter

Creating newsletters is a breeze now with our new facility newsletter builder

Updated over 7 months ago

You can generate your own personalised facility newsletter to print for your residents or send directly to families with our dynamic newsletter builder.

Each Facility Newsletter will include an introduction section and "Birthdays this month" at the beginning. The introduction is optionnal and the Birthdays this month section can be deactivated in the Org Settings:

The "Birthday this month" section will take DOB info from resident profiles to include all birthdays during the current month.

Creating a Facility Newsletter

From the Facility Newsletter tab, click "create facility newsletter". You can add a new name for the newsletter and your introduction.

Adding new sections

You have a number of options when adding a new section. A section represents half a page.

  1. Layout: this allows you to choose how do you want to split your section in multiple parts

  2. Layout options: this allows you to choose the type of content for each subsection. Content can be free text, importing an image/photo or selecting an existing post from a co-worker, so you can get the post text and image in a heartbeat.

When adding an image, you will be prompted to crop the image to fit the selected layout:

Select Posts from Facility section

When choosing "Posts" you will be shown a dropdown list of all your recent posts for the current period based on the preview text for that post.

When you choose the post you want to include, you will see the images from that post as well as the text. You can remove photos and edit the text before post.

Generating PDF or Adding as post

Once you have added all the sections you want to include, at the top and bottom, you will have a few options to choose from:

  1. Save - this will save your work as a draft for you to come back to it later

  2. Publish and Add as post - This will publish the newsletter and create a post, automatically tagging all resident profiles and add the link of the Newsletter in the post, so you can quickly send to families straight from the app.

  3. Generate PDF - This will generate the PDF for you to print for residents or send via email to families.

Facility Newsletter PDF

The newsletter display two sections per page, with the first page including the introduction, birthdays for the period and the first section you created.

Viewing, publishing, editing or deleting Newsletters

Each newsletter you create will be saved on the Facility Newsletter page, and the published status will be displayed.

A published newsletter means families and staff can see it, while unpublished means it is still here as a draft, and only Managers and staff with the access right will be able to see it and edit it.

Clicking "show more" will open that newsletter.

You can Publish/Unpublish a newsletter with the buttons at the top of hte newsletter.

You can edit an existing Newsletter by scrolling to the bottom of the newsletter and clicking "edit". From this page you can also download the PDF again or delete it.

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