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Concierge Module

Share your value added services directly with families and residents

Updated over 3 months ago

Concierge module allows you to manage all additional services in one place. Offer paid and free services that can be booked directly in the app by relatives or members of your team on behalf of residents.

You can also open a Concierge to relative, so when a relative books, he can specify how many people are going to join him on the activity.


When creating a new concierge item, there are three different subscription types that be selected:

  1. One-Off (e.g. a trip to the local zoo)

  2. Permanent (e.g. flowers from the local florist, a box of chocolates, etc.)

  3. Subscription (hairdresser, chiropody, etc.)

First fill out the following details:

  1. Name of the item

  2. Provider e.g. the local florist shop name or if you are providing it, enter your name

  3. Provider email - the person(s) in charge of this concierge item so they receive all booking confirmations

  4. Price (or 0 if free)

  5. Payment type - if a paid item, how it is billed e.g. billed at the end of the month

  6. Concierge filters

  7. Description

Once the above info is added you will then select one of the three subscription types.


To add a one-off item you will be presented with the following options:

  1. Date and Time - the date/time for the event

  2. Limit number of bookings (optional) - if there are a limited number of places available add that here

  3. Notice period (in hours, if applicable) - e.g. if set to 24, no one can make a booking within 24 hours of the event

  4. Cancellation period (in hours, if applicable) - e.g. if set to 24, a person cannot cancel a booking within 24 hours of the event


To add a permanent item you will be presented with the following options:

  1. Schedule - the day(s) of the week that the item is available. Can select multiple days.

  2. First Day - the first day the item is available

  3. Last Day (optional) - the last day the item is available, if applicable

  4. Max display days - the number of days in advance to display on the calendar (e.g. if set to 7, it will show 7 days available in advance that relative can choose from)

  5. Notice period (in hours, if applicable) - e.g. if set to 24, no one can make a booking within 24 hours of the event

  6. Cancellation period (in hours, if applicable) - e.g. if set to 24, a person cannot cancel a booking within 24 hours of the event


To add a subscription item you will be presented with the following options:

  1. Schedule - select whether the subscription repeats, daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly. You will also choose the day(s) of the week that the item is available. Can select multiple days.

  2. First Day - the first day the item is available

  3. Last Day (optional) - the last day the item is available, if applicable

  4. Max display days - the number of days in advance to display on the calendar (e.g. if set to 7, it will show 7 days available in advance that relative can choose from)

  5. Limit number of bookings (optional) - if there are a limited number of places available add that here

  6. Notice period (in hours, if applicable) - e.g. if set to 24, no one can make a booking within 24 hours of the event

  7. Cancellation period (in hours, if applicable) - e.g. if set to 24, a person cannot cancel a booking within 24 hours of the event


To view all bookings made by relatives or your team simply click the "view bookings" button on the concierge page or on the item page.

From this screen you can filter all bookings and print the selection by either PDF or excel.

If you scroll on the right, you will be able to edit or cancel each booking:

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